2010's target

2010 target :

`Study hard
`Get 8A's in PMR so that I can show off infront mario and Malays!


...My dear familY...
...My friendS...
...My teddy beaR...
...My phonE...
...My pSp...
...My housE...



Walao eh...
Yesterday night also cant sleep wel arh...
Cough + Flu

Morning 945am ad wake up..
Cuz wan go Khatib meet my fifth aunt^^
1036 juz reach thr..
Bt I'm late><

Actually 1015am wan reach ad..
Bt I heard is 1030><

Thn 12something we go Jack's Place eat lunch lor..
1pm eat finish.. Total RM32.80..
After tat we go Inner Peace lorh..
Go thr do nail^^
Whn aunt doing I damn boring man..
Boring till faint..
And boring till go wrong toilet..
Go man's toilet><>
Thn my turn to do nail lorh^^
Me do 1hour nia..
Leg no do...

After tat continue gai gai lorh.
Thn 6something back aunt's house..
830 juz back home...

Today didnt buy anything^^

2molo wanna back mlk ad...
And sch wan reopen ad..
Bye SG!
I'll back!

